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Dedicated of Shared Service Models

SaintGroup has developed its proposition to provide flexible and accountable services to its clients. To achieve this we have dedicated resource or shared service models which accommodate varying environments and requirements. A Dedicated Resource, Shared or Hybrid enables SaintGroup to provide a solution which meets financial, cultural and SLA requirements.

A dedicated service desk offers the customer technical resource within specifically tailored support solution that is responsible for the service for a single customer. This option is ideal where the volume of calls is anticipated to be high or the business, commercial or cultural requirements of the client would be best served by a dedicated desk.

A shared desk can offer a more cost effective solution to clients requiring a Managed Service. The same service levels and systems are utilised in both desk types however resource on the shared desk has responsibility for a number of customers.

Where a customer has bespoke requirements SaintGroup is able to design, implement and deliver a service that uses elements from both the dedicated and shared options in order to deliver a robust, sustainable and cost effective solution.